* O.I.E.O * Tenure: freehold * SPACIOUS THREE BEDROOM HOUSE SITUATED ON A POPULAR MODERN DEVELOPMENT IN SOUGHT AFTER WEST DARTFORD * JUST MINUTES AWAY FROM LOCAL GRAMMAR SCHOOLS * SPACIOUS LOUNGE DINER * KITCHEN BREAKFAST ROOM * EN SUITE TO MASTER BEDROOM WITH A FURTHER FAMILY BATHROOM AND GROUND FLOOR WC * FANTASTIC CONDITION * VIEWING HIGHLY RECOMMENDED * Entrance Hall Coved ceiling, understairs cupboard, carpet, radiator. Ground floor WC Pedestal wash hand basin with mixer tap, low flush WC, carpet, radiator. Lounge (Reception) 17'3 x 12'2. Double glazed window and double doors to garden, radiator, carpet. Kitchen/Breakfast Room 17'3 x 9'4. Double glazed windows to side and rear, Range of matching wall and base units with work surfaces over, gas hob, electric oven, integrated washing machine, dishwasher and fridge freezer, cupboard housing boiler, stainless steel sink, radiator, inset lights. Landing Carpet, access to loft with power and light, coved ceiling, storage cupboard.
Details :
- amenities: Washer Dryer,Storage,Refrigerator,Patio/Deck,Parking,Dishwasher
- bedrooms: 3
- condition: Resale
- currency: GBP
- price_display: £280,000
- seller_type: Agent/Broker